Welcome to 'Listen To The Sirens' a blog based site that aims to share some quality live Gary Numan recordings and Numan related artists. For a number of years I have run a similar site that is focused on The Stranglers (Aural Sculptors). This Numan based site, like the Stranglers one, is absolutely non-profit making. All recordings are shared freely for and by like minded fans. Similarly, no official material will appear on this site. Go and buy it/download it legitimately and support the artist.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Radio Sheffield Interview 1988


In 1988, normal service was resumed with an album and tour combination. The album was 'Metal Rhythm' which was supported by 18 live dates across the UK. For me there was one stand out track on this, the nineth studio album from Numan, and that was 'Voix'. The track soundwise was something of a pointer to the diretion that he would take in a few years time that would revive his fortunes and reputation. For me, the rest of the material lacked that inate Numan quality of earlier studio albums as Numan grappled as to where he belonged in the UK msic scene of 1988. The record buying public too seemingly shared his dilema to some extent with a peak UK chart placing of 48.

In the absence of a live recording from the 'Matal Rhythm' tour here is a short telephome interview conducted with Rado Sheffield ahead of Gary's appearance at City Hall.

I saw him on the first of the Astoria dates in London on this tour.

MP3: https://we.tl/t-YNSL9PBawf

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