Welcome to 'Listen To The Sirens' a blog based site that aims to share some quality live Gary Numan recordings and Numan related artists. For a number of years I have run a similar site that is focused on The Stranglers (Aural Sculptors). This Numan based site, like the Stranglers one, is absolutely non-profit making. All recordings are shared freely for and by like minded fans. Similarly, no official material will appear on this site. Go and buy it/download it legitimately and support the artist.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Hatfield Forum 11th December 2011


From 9 years ago today here' Gary in Hatfield on the 'Dead Son Rising' tour. Now Numan for me means Tubeway Army and the first two solo albums, although I have seen him many times throughout his career, but the 'Dead Son Rising' was for me the best thing that he had done since 'Sacrifice' which in itself was a real comeback album from several years in the serious doldrums!

MP3 (as received): https://we.tl/t-hCmNPkff0Y

Artwork: https://we.tl/t-DUcTW2Fthu

01. Intro
02. Down In The Park
03. The Fall
04. Haunted
05. When The Sky Bleeds, He Will Come
06. Films
07. Big Noise Transmission
08. Pure
09. Dead Sun Rising
10. Every Day I Die
11. We Are The Lost

01. Absolution
02. For The Rest Of My Life
03. Noise Noise
04. Everything Comes Down To This
05. Jagged
06. I Die:You Die
07. Cars
08. My Shadow In Vain
09. Are "Friends" Electric?

1 comment:

Gary Numan The Junction Cambridge 1st December 2009

  Between 2006 and 2009 Numan played the tours that I always wanted to see and never thought I would. These three retrospective tours offere...